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Views Read Edit View history. Retrieved from " https: Sure, it's not the greatest album ever, but Detonator and the rest of DenKare's stuff is just ridiculously fun to listen to. Nanami and Relu were made official members in For instance, Athazagoraphobia that's a real word by the way is basically a slower rocker. Detonator is what they consider to be their first "original album" as far as I know, all of their music is original , and it's quite a good album at that. Syu's drumming style suspiciously sounds a lot like Gight from Yousei Teikoku hmm denkare discography

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One slight downside to this album is that the heavier production they might also use some 7 string guitars in here but I'm not totally discotraphy on that does drown out the bass a bit compared to their earlier works, but Gaku still gets a fair amount of nice bass digs in there.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Nanami and Relu were made official members in In other projects Wikimedia Commons.

Denki Shiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan

For instance, Athazagoraphobia that's a real word by the way is basically a slower rocker. The PV of the cenkare Detonator also strongly hints at Nanami and Gight both also Yousei Teikoku members being a part of the circle as well.

denkare discography

Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher. Thankfully, the "electronic-style" in the name is not very accurate and what you have here is some hard-hitting metal with plenty of double bass and all that jazz.

Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. Songs like Unbind and Her Kingdom Come center around bizarre, twisty rhythmic patterns that are embellished with ridiculous guitar leads.

Denki Shiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan - デンカレ (Denkare) | JpopAsia

Oh no, Japan has a ton of these groups, so you have to stand out to truly grab discobraphy attention. They constantly whip out aggressive, lighting-fast riffs left and right that appeal strongly to the latent metal tendencies that still exist in me.

There's a fairly high amount of flashy leads and high-octane, technical soloing permeated all discograpuy this thing. Write your own review. The leads are generally power metal-esque and melodic in nature, but they fit quite snugly with the rhythm.

Denki Shiki Karen Ongaku Shuudan Discography 13 Albums, 4 Singles, 0 Lyrics, 1 Videos | JpopAsia

But for those of us that sit in our basements all day downloading the best Hdoujin of our favorite anime characters, DenKare is just downright awesome. And speaking of the rhythm, it's crafted with the utmost care. The fact that you're even reading this review means that you're probably already well aware of what I'm talking about.

This page was last edited on 2 Septemberat Shiren resigned from the band inand guitarist XiVa was announced as the new guitarist in January That instance lasts like 5 seconds, but it's extremely effective and makes the chorus of the song as awesome as it is. First and foremost, vocalist Karen is undoubtedly Yui Itsuki. Shiren, Shiki, and all the other guitarists simply dejkare ballistic all throughout the album.

They have some high profile members, excellent musicianship, dejkare offer some super fun, top-notch weaboo metal.

But those previous gripes are all just nitpicks really. Syu's drumming style suspiciously sounds a lot like Gight from Yousei Teikoku hmm Yui very comfortably falls into the "squeaky anime-esque female Japanese vocalist" range. This shared membership is a fantastic asset as these guys are all very talented players that can really let it rip.

denkare discography

He's got a very fast style that likes the double bass and is perfectly capable denakre throwing in those nice fills right where it's needed. Most of their riffs sound like thrash metal to me, but the songwriting often phrases them in smart ways.

denkare discography

But in case someone accidentally stumbled through the dark portions of the internet and ended up here, you at least deserve a heads up.

They hit a great sweet spot for me with those addictive, saccharine vocals Yui is a fantastic vocalist and honest-to-god, headbanging metal.

Sure, it's not the greatest album ever, but Detonator and the rest of DenKare's stuff is just ridiculously fun to listen to. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Throw in Yui's squeaky vocals into that for some contrast, and you've got a strong winner. In JuneTachibana announced that he would withdraw from future live performances with the band at the end of the month, but would continue his work as the band's songwriter.

Their music mixes elements of gothic rockheavy metalelectronic and classical music.

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