Monday, 2 December 2019


Updating Default Pricing Updating the information on this page will automatically change the pricing for ALL inventories that have been set to use the default prices. Please contact an administrator to change the default pricing. Video formats allowed are H. Help - The Passback Site A passback site serves as a bucket to capture all impressions coming from the lower priority banners for a given site. Limits the number of times a user sees an ad, based on the number of clicks made on that ad within a specified time period. admarvel sdk

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You can link multiple Takeover Campaigns to the same site as long as they have different and unique Targeting Parameters within the following categories: Site Status Select the required site status.

The significance of the selection is more about size type dimension aspect ratio rather than specific pixel dimensions.

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Admzrvel example BundleID is: Please double-check the information before confirming the changes. Ad Display Selecting the ad display s permitted allows us to identify the way you envision your banner to be executed on the site.

Updating the information on this page will automatically change the pricing for ALL inventories that have been set to use the default prices. In case you select Test sites, ensure that they don't have any production traffic.

Number of impressions where the video was played.

Number of times user paused ad clip. No Yes No Resume Number of times the user unpaused the video. Select the required site status. The current targeting options overlap or conflict with the targeting options of another Takeover campaign linked to the same site.

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Video formats allowed are H. This category is used to specify the placement dimensions. With this method the 3rd party's impression count should closely match the impression count available in the Admarvel UI.

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Publishers can enter a url in the Admarvel UI from a 3rd party and Admarvel will fire a pixel to the 3rd party URL when an ad is rendered. Event logged once per view. Recommended for use when targeting devices ranging from feature phones to high end smart phones.

A decimal string, based on the current timestamp in seconds and microseconds in the UNIX epoch. When unchecked, it means bid responses from that bidder will be accepted even if they don't conform to admatvel bid requirements defined by the Deal ID associated with that private auction.

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Help - The Passback Option A passback site serves as a bucket to capture all impressions coming from the lower priority banners for a given site. Uncheck AMO to perform a manual mediation.

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Use Default Pricing Warning: At a user's discretion, an advertiser can append the SMS sent by that user with a text ad, provided the total message is not more than characters. To delete a site, contact adsupport admarvel. Howeveryou can still override an inventory's individual values for each site by going to the Edit Site page for a particular site.

Returns a Unique ID identifying the campaign being served. A higher cap may affect the campaign delivery.

Banners may be executed as an image, expandable, interstitial, interstitial with leave behind Number of times the video played to completion. Thus, all campaigns linked to the disabled site are automatically delinked.

Counting the video ad impression later ensures a more accurate impression count sddk the event that the user navigates away from the page due to a slow connection speed, a change in interest, or other reasons. Unique ID identifying the served banner.

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Only sites marked as passback will be shown in the dropdown. For iPhone client SDK implementationreturns the ad type requested-standard or interstitial ad unit. Check the Enable box if you wish to link this banner to a passback site.

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